This blog is for members of the Cloverdale High School Class of 1965 (and their families). It was originally prepared as a lead-up to the 50th reunion of the class, and is now being used to lead up to the 55th reunion, June 27, 2020.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Elementary School Band
Mr. Gino Micheletti was our band instructor in the late 1950s. He is the lone surviving teacher from elementary school during that time frame. Mr. Micheletti continues to play clarinet, write music and is one of the best woodwind instrument repairmen in the nation. He lives in Sebastopol and at this time (May 2015) plans to drive himself to the reunion this June. He would probably ride his horse but it only has a twenty-five mile range.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Mother-Daughter Combinations
Mother daughter teams as parent, teacher, child and student are somewhat rare. Our Class of 1965 had one of these combos, the Ericksons:
Most likely this situation presented challenges for Connie and her Mother. We hope to see Connie at our gathering and share her memories from 55 years past. She lives in Murrieta, two hours South of L.A. Married Bob Barton, a former professional baseball player who played for the Giants when Willie Mays was on the team. She has created 5 children, #4 and #5 twin boys.
Most likely this situation presented challenges for Connie and her Mother. We hope to see Connie at our gathering and share her memories from 55 years past. She lives in Murrieta, two hours South of L.A. Married Bob Barton, a former professional baseball player who played for the Giants when Willie Mays was on the team. She has created 5 children, #4 and #5 twin boys.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
A favorite activity for Cloverdale's youth during summertime in the '50s was swimming. Water safety issues were addresses as well as they can be. Cloverdale lost Mark Schuler, William Sutton, William Gann, Gaila Coon and others to drowning. During June locals would build a dam above the First Street bridge, creating a swimming area that accommodated the masses and the masses came. The underlined are members of Class of 1965.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Hunter Safety
There was a time when Cloverdale was a member of the Wild West. Stage coaches, robbers, etc. were common. By the 1950s Cloverdale had kept up with the times and guns were in most every household. Hunter safety was taken seriously and most hunters under 16 completed a safety program. Cloverdale's history book holds the names of many killed by a gun. Curtis Berry, 11, Robert Snow, 8, Bud Warner, 10, accidentally discharged his rifle killing George Shelford, Arthur Johnson, 13, Ronald Hatcher, 11, Alton Baumeister, 16, and others. Merle Reuser was the lone member of the Class of '65 completing the safety course in 1958. His fellow classmates were probably at the river...shooting at each other. :-)
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Friday, January 30, 2015
Sixth Grade
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At this point in our educational careers some academic champions were beginning to break out of the pack. Rebecca Quarnstrom and Susan Beck were trailblazers in this arena.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Fifth Grade

Mrs. Prichard's class photo is absent so uzens get an "F" for the year. However, if just one in that class forks over a photo you win a real hornet's nest compliments of Tim Vadon, Mrs. Vadon's Grandson.
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Hornet's nest anchored to a buckeye tree. Home for about 200 bees. |
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
1957 Grade 4
About one-third of our class had Mrs. Carroll as a First Grade teacher. She died on December 31, 1956 in an automobile accident. We, as Fourth Graders, were on Christmas Break. Other than this tragedy, life was good. Polio was on its way out, and the future Class of '65 was on its way up. We are searching for Mrs. Perry's 4th Grade classpicture. The reward for this photo is a night on Bergie Flats with a classmate of your choice. :-)
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Mrs. Carroll
Mrs. Carroll was one of three teachers for our First Grade year. Focused on the Christmas Season, who would have thought that as she drove into the Holidays it would be the last time?
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Monday, January 26, 2015
1956 Grade 3A, B, C
We are batting 1000 - 3 for 3. We have contact info on 35 of these students. Can you identify any of the unknowns?
Mrs. Allen "went down hard" and passed in Cloverdale in her 90s. Her sons, Rob, Ken, and John have led highly successful lives. As to how Mrs. Knight's life played out is unknown.
Mrs. Allen "went down hard" and passed in Cloverdale in her 90s. Her sons, Rob, Ken, and John have led highly successful lives. As to how Mrs. Knight's life played out is unknown.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Sunday, January 11, 2015
1955 Grade 2C
Came up dry regarding a mug shot of Mrs. Titus' Second Grade class. Free drinks at our 100th for anyone producing a missing photo and ... free ping-pong balls at the Cloverdale Citrus Fair Carnival until a goldfish is won.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
1955 Grade 2B
This year has been the most difficult to gather information on. We are short a photo of Mrs. Titus at the West Street School and Mrs. Green at the Citrus Fair Building. If anyone has one of these pictures, please let us know ( Free drinks at the June 27th reunion to the first person that coughs up a missing photo.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
1955 Grade 2A
Growing up in Cloverdale in the '50s was about as good as it gets. Such as life is there is always a downside. Polio ran rampant in this country, striking two of our classmates Talbert Petersen and Ken Little. Roland Osman, Jan Youngren, Terry Haehl, and Cindy Struder were victims. One of the greatest discoveries in the history of medicine occurred at this time and by our fifth grade year, Polio was well on its way to being wiped out.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Cloverdale Reveille Tells All
Some use breadcrumbs and some use Cloverdale Reveille to follow a trail. Reconstructing events that occurred 60 years ago is simple thanks to articles like this. From this information we put together our 1954-55 school year. One of our Second Grade classes was at the West Street School, Mrs. Titus the teacher. Mrs. Hickey had a third of our grade at Washington School and Mrs. Green taught the rest of our class in the Citrus Fair Building. Mr. Micheletti's wife passed within the last two years. He lives in the Sebastopol area.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
1954 Grade 1C
These students round out the First Grade class of 1953-54. Over sixty years have passed since this picture was taken and many in our class have created their legacies during that time. Anne Beuse, Delores Andrini, Dan Braccialini and John Greenhalgh have "left their mark". Well done! It's an honor to be on this team. Over half of our First Grade class will be attending our 50th High School reunion on June 27th in Cloverdale.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
1954 Grade 1B
We are lacking identification of this class- Help!!
Last contact with Folke was twenty years ago when he visited Dan Braccialini near the site of this incident.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
1954 Grade 1A
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Saturday, January 10, 2015
First Grade
The entire Kindergarten class was promoted to First Grade in June, 1953 - 100% success! Kindergarten was not required, First Grade was. Our "K" class of 45 exploded to 75 the next year. This required the class be divided into three sections. Memories are faint from events that occurred over sixty years ago. Memories are few from this year but one does stand out. On June 5th the class sang Happy Birthday to Paul Giovannetti and Merle Reuser, both born that day. For confirmation see Birth Announcements in Entry #1. :-)
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Swing Shift
Our after lunch half of the class numbered close to 30. Marc Black, John Porter, John Greenhalgh, Mark Hael, Ron Bandiera, Julie Peters, Audrey Haczela, Paul Giovannetti, Gordon Langevin, and Darla Laier "walked" with the class of '65 in June of '65. Over 60 years have passed since this photo was taken and with one exception, it is hoped all mentioned will attend our gathering on June 27th at the Lockhorn in downtown Cloverdale.
If anyone can identify any of the unidentified, Please let us know.
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Tragically Mark Haehl passed in 2012, the result of a head injury suffered in a bicycle accident. |
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Our class was divided into an A.M. and P.M. Group, each having about twenty students. Of these in the A.M. section Ron Peterson, Lonnie Patterson, Ed Bowen, Merle Reuser, Frank Davis, Nick Stameroff, Nikki Ferrari, and Dan Braccialini graduated High School in June, '65. Withe exception of Nikki who passed a few years agom hopefully the others will attend our gathering.
Cloverdale High School's Class of '65 will hold its 50th High School Reunion June 27th.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Formal Education Begins
Cloverdale Elementary graduated the first ever class of Kindergarteners in June of '49. What was to become Cloverdale High's Class of '65 began their educational journey in September, 1953. We were fortunate to have Mrs. Bennett as our teacher. As it played out, she and her husband, Rev. Joseph Bennett, were a powerful team and were very influential in shaping Cloverdale during their three year stay in our City.
Cloverdale High School's Class of '65 Reunion is June 27th at what we knew as The Lockhorn in downtown Cloverdale. The bucks with the locked horns are exactly where they were in the '50s.
Cloverdale High School's Class of '65 Reunion is June 27th at what we knew as The Lockhorn in downtown Cloverdale. The bucks with the locked horns are exactly where they were in the '50s.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Parties Continued
By age 4, Julie Peters had moved on to "Advanced Party Skills" leaving Marc Black in charge of what would become over 40 class of '65 members. Marc took his position seriously (yeah, right!) and recruited the likes of Audrey Haczela and Merle Reuser to expand his cause.
Merle's 4th birthday partyJune 5th 1951 on Lile Lane on the south end of Cloverdale. From left: Doug Sparks, Dick Tucker, Joan Tucker, Cathy Tucker, Joyce Carlson, Nancy Hamblin holding Bruce Reuser, Barbara Hamblin, Jim Hamblin, Jim Brant, Ron Peterson & Royal Thomas.
Marc, always uniquely creative in his thinking, always had a theme to go with the festivities. Hopalong was big in the early '50s.
Merle's 4th birthday partyJune 5th 1951 on Lile Lane on the south end of Cloverdale. From left: Doug Sparks, Dick Tucker, Joan Tucker, Cathy Tucker, Joyce Carlson, Nancy Hamblin holding Bruce Reuser, Barbara Hamblin, Jim Hamblin, Jim Brant, Ron Peterson & Royal Thomas.
Marc, always uniquely creative in his thinking, always had a theme to go with the festivities. Hopalong was big in the early '50s.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Friday, January 9, 2015
Born to Party
The class of '65 was "spirited" on many fronts. For many of us partying was a specialty and we were good at it. Our class was blessed with two of the best "Party Hearty" instructors in C.H.S history, Julie Peters and Marc Black. Thanks to the Cloverdale Reiville we have confirmation this team was in the groove at one year old:
Julie and Marc inspired and motivated us to strive for perfect attendance at all social functions outside school boundaries. Julie resides in Nevada, Marc in Oregon. We are expecting them to lead us into the darkness on June 27th at the Lockhorn in downtown Cloverdale. This is a tuneup for our 100th.
Julie and Marc inspired and motivated us to strive for perfect attendance at all social functions outside school boundaries. Julie resides in Nevada, Marc in Oregon. We are expecting them to lead us into the darkness on June 27th at the Lockhorn in downtown Cloverdale. This is a tuneup for our 100th.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Arnold Mendoza
17 years into a military career as one of the Army's best, a Green Beret, Arnold was involved in a combat situation which left him a paraplegic. In High School he gave 100% in many ways. This was a characteristic of him until his last day in 1999. The following is a tribute to Arnold:
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Steve Weigt
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
Acknowledging those who served in the military is paramount at a class reunion. Without the sacrifices of all individuals who ever served our country there would be no class reunions.
Our class of '65 was caught in the last half of the Vietnam conflict. STEVE WEIGT, Arnold Mendoza Astrada, Marc Black, Ron Bandierra, Ed Bowen, George Cavagnaro, Frank Davis, Dennis Dalbec, Charlie Fayter, Roger Fonnest, Joe Giacolini, Paul Giovannetti, Ron Goodman, Jim Holmes, Tom Kaisi, Mike Magatelli, Curt Moore, Carl Murphy, Gordon Langevin, Dave Peters, Ron Petersen, Stan Pickle, Greg Reeder, Merle Reuser, Roy Richardson, Craig Rose, Dennis Gallacci Specht, Danny Wallace, Roger Watts, Dave Belford Williams, Don Wright and others were involved in this war in some way.
Our class of '65 was caught in the last half of the Vietnam conflict. STEVE WEIGT, Arnold Mendoza Astrada, Marc Black, Ron Bandierra, Ed Bowen, George Cavagnaro, Frank Davis, Dennis Dalbec, Charlie Fayter, Roger Fonnest, Joe Giacolini, Paul Giovannetti, Ron Goodman, Jim Holmes, Tom Kaisi, Mike Magatelli, Curt Moore, Carl Murphy, Gordon Langevin, Dave Peters, Ron Petersen, Stan Pickle, Greg Reeder, Merle Reuser, Roy Richardson, Craig Rose, Dennis Gallacci Specht, Danny Wallace, Roger Watts, Dave Belford Williams, Don Wright and others were involved in this war in some way.
Cloverdale Class of 1965
Cloverdale, CA 95425, USA
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