Saturday, March 7, 2015

About Face

We have recounted our life’s memories with regard to the Class of 1965 from our starting point, 1947.  The journey has covered highlights to 1972.  Rewinding to 1947, we will explore twenty five years before we were a gleam in one or both of our parents’ eyes.  That’s a total of fifty years of history.  Mr.  McMillan and Mr. Pawlan are proud we are so into history.

Returning to 1947 and looking south towards 1900. There is a lot of the past that went into shaping members of our class before we were born.  Ron Bandiera, Marc Black, Dan Braccialini, Paul Giovannetti, and Dave Peters followed their relatives and developed careers in and around agriculture.  Talbert Petersen, Ken Little, Merle Reuser, and Craig Rose followed in their dads’ footsteps and worked their way through life in the construction or timber industry.

1946 saw Cloverdale begin the healing process after a four year grueling war which directly involved just about every able bodied American.  It was a time to regroup and resume the baby making process which had been put on hold for four years for most families.

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