Thursday, February 5, 2015

Like Father, Like Son

Our father-son team for the Class of  '65 is Bill Walton and his father, Mr. Walton. Both were blessed with generous amounts of grey matter. Mr. Walton is remembered as a kind, gentle sort who cared about and was interested in all students. He served as an Advisor for our class and did things like drive the bus on our Adventure to Asilomar, our Senior Trip. Retiring from teaching, he spent the rest of his days helping people in Cloverdale. A very compassionate man. Like his father, Bill parented four highly successful children, completed a successful career in the technology world, and now spends a lot of his time in "retirement" helping others. Bill is 100% responsible for setting up this blog for our class. Well done Bill and thanks from all the Eagles. Bill will be attending our June 27th event.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Merle, for your kind comments and for remembering my dad in your Blog. Harold Walton was a bomber pilot during WWII, flying out of Stanstead in England. While there, he met and fell in love with my mother, who came to America in 1946 as one of more than 65,000 "war brides". My siblings and I are proud to be both second-generation and fifth-generation Americans.


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