Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Honor Roll

Of utmost importance and the main reason the school system exists is so one can gain an education. Academic excellence greatly influences the opportunities available as we enter the world of higher education. C.H.S. issued report cards each six weeks during the school year. To earn Honor Roll recognition a 3.25 or higher grade point average must be achieved. Our class had several academically gifted: Delores Andreini, Susan Beck, Glen Brunner, Nikki Ferrari, Nancy Foster,John Greenhalgh, Christina Grist, Bill Walton, Dennis Wilkison, and Larry Wolfe headlined our class. Dee, Susan, Nancy, Bill, Dennis (hopefully with his delightfully spry mother), and Larry will hopefully lead us in a spelling bee during our event. Also, students are required to carry four or more "solids". In our entire four yeas of high school just one Eagle out of the entire Student Body achieved the Honor Roll with six solids and a G.P.A. of 3.5 - Albert Duro. Albert, you have been wearing that crown over fifty years and didn't know it. He lives in Brisbane, Californis and will be at the reunion.

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