Sunday, February 15, 2015


On the “top 25 most prized possessions” list in our lives for many are our high school yearbooks.  This publication provides a summary of most of our school year, featuring highlights of the past eight months.  Containing academy award winning photos of the seniors and mug shots of the rest of the student body, “the book” also covered events of the year A to Z.  Taking possession of a Spectator is a parallel to taking a one lap to go flag at the Indy 500.  We know school is all but over.  Many of us excitedly have dozens of our classmates write something nice about us and we in turn sugar coat our true thoughts about them.  Was that nice?

Nearing one of the paramount happenings in our lives, our 50th High School Reunion, it is a good time to review our 1964-1965 school yearbook in preparation for our gathering north of the stoplight.

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