Friday, February 13, 2015

Senior Trip

Events in our lives that occur once are rare. Sixteenth and twenty-first birthdays, first child, Golden Wedding Anniversaries, and Senior Trips fall in this category. Most any appropriate destinations where a 5:00 AM Saturday departure and 9:00 PM Sunday arrival in Cloverdale is doable is fair game. Inspired by Annette and Frankie's Beach Party movies, the Beach Boys, and Marc Black's beach buggy, our class chose Asilomar. At that time Annette was probably the most envied and admired woman in America. Most every girl wanted to be her best friend, and every guy wanted to marry her. Nine daring adults boarded a bus with nearly forty of our country's future leaders and vanished into the sunrise. Everyone experienced one of the most memorable events of our last year of high school. Being the forward thinkers we were as a class, several of us intended to create memories we would rerun at our Fiftieth Reunion on June 27th at the Lockhorn.  How's that for Vision?

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