Thursday, February 12, 2015


As April shows on the calendar, Senioritis has become epidemic in our class. This is a rare condition in that teachers encourage the students to experience by doing things like kicking us out of Study Hall. We know we have them over a barrel. This is one time in our life we really pay no consequences for copping an attitude. If they flunk us, they look real bad. So, within limits, we are pretty much home free and many of us played that card to the max. The following baby photos of classmates are survivors of Senioritis, inspired by knowing class would be in session at two o'clock, June 27th at the Lockhorn with no instructors. We choose the current event of the moment.

P.S. Nancy Foster Colter was born with Senioritis. She could so derail Mr. Pawlan - thanks, Nancy. Countless topics were discussed in class that you brought up. We need to re-create those episodes. Stephan Longo could be Mr. Pawlan and who else but the REAL Nancy play herself.

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