Friday, February 6, 2015


Every generation seems to have a brand of music that makes the generation before crazy. The '30s and '40s saw Big Band. That was the baseline. Then came the Beatnicks and their weirdness. By the middle '50s when we were old enough to get it on, Rock and Roll was in its infancy. Elvis, Buddy Holly and the likes melted our parents' circuit breakers. With songs like Alley Oop, Ahab the Arab, and The Bird, maybe they were justified? Between 1955 and 1965 there were hundreds of songs that kept us grooving. It was a time when America was different - better. Our country changed around 1968, probably because of Vietnam, and the charm, charisma, and energy had changed, never to be regained. We were there through High School - the Good Ole Days - so lucky to have been a part of it.

There were dozens of Best Singers. Bands, dozens of Bests there too, but one stands out. Never has this country been so taken as it was by the Beatles. They were everywhere all the time in their prime. The country rocked!

Long gone are the stacks of 45s, Technology and Ron Bandiera have brought us to a point where we can Get It On at the Lockhorn (check out page 85 of our Senior Spectator - somebody had Vision). Understanding Satellite Radio, Ron will take us back to the first half of the '60s.

We have named the top 49 songs during the Summer of 1965. Whoever fills out the top 50 with number 50 will receive a reward - a 45 record of your choice valued up to $25.00.

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